Analysis: Recent Fintech Webinars from the Gulf Cooperation Council Region

Decoding the Future of Money: Fintech, digital assets and transformed currencies

There was a recent episode of “Business Transformation Explained” where top personalities from fintech and digital assets space and discussed the future of money. It was hosted by Daniel Solomon and Kareem Monem, with planned guests including Patrick Campos (CSO Securrency), Bill Ashlock (Bosa Advisors) where the future of money was discussed. It offered thought-provoking conversations about the context of digital assets, and innovation, insights on security and regulations.

According to its webpage, the modern world is defined by an expanding and deepening digital connectivity. Smart products, expanding mobile data networks and ever-more powerful application technologies mean that people now live and spend differently. With the increased need for contactless payments, the rise of digital literacy amongst users and the convenience of fast-online-service, the regulators and the fintech space is on a race to find the best solutions to meet the demand for disruption and the need for data security and transparency.

See more on The Fintech Times