The Dynamic Process of Globalization

It is best understood, by examining and clarifying to distinguish between the prime movers of globalization. And the first mover was because of the consequence of technology innovation. The information technology, now as significant impact on our individual lives. Thus, we see how technological revolution affects the social revolution. “And a decisive shift from industrial capitalism to a post-industrial conception (and reality) of economic relations” (Jolanda, nd). And refer to by Alvin (1980) as the third wave.

For example, the recent Arab Spring sparked debate around, how information technology played a critical role. In influencing, the social lives of the affected countries and Western companies used this advantage to penetrate those economies (Allen, 2012). However, these countries also benefited from an economic point of view and socially (Oliver, 2011). One may directly link benefits, of globalization attributed by increased information technology advancement is social value.

More so, the second prime mover is connected to the first, and it’s the new ideology achievement seen in a democracy since democracy is considered to be the pair of ‘market economy’ and instantly form an ideology that it improves a countries economy. Mostly, because democracy is said to bring about improved economization of life, entertainment, mass consumption, and deregulation etc. This is the reason, for western countries to penetrate and explore the advantages of globalization. The democracy ideology has been sold, and a good example is the US, believes promoting democracy around the world will bring about long­run economic performance (Sean, 1998). However, the dynamics of globalization is also seen in the consequences and the effect it brings around the world and how it renders borders less important. Thus, negative attributes as social defects are seen around the world, where there is one culture of the new age. This is because, when you travel to another region there is nothing to distinguish the new environment. Commercial signs do not help, since our environment is crowded by same marketing material seen in New York, is also displayed in Japan.

Besides, we see a defect in democracy and the main advantage of democracy is reduced. Companies help politicians campaign; thus people voted into office to help the masses, become an automatic lobbyist. And may gradually lead to a defect in security, as seen in African countries with infant democracy (Faith, 2015).


Allen L. K., (2012) The Arab Spring: Implications for US Policy and Interests [Online] Available: [Accessed: August 18, 2015]

Alvin T., (1980) The third wave [Online] Available: [Accessed: August 18, 2015]

Faith K., (2015) Burundi: Leaders of attempted coup arrested after President’s return [Online] Available: [Accessed: August 18, 2015]

Jolanda K., (nd) The Dynamic of Globalization [Online] Available: [Accessed: August 18, 2015]

Sean M. L., J., (1998) “Why the United States Should Spread Democracy” [Online] Available: [Accessed: August 18, 2015]

Oliver W., (2011) Effects of the Arab Spring [Online] Available:­of­the­arab­spring/ [Accessed: August 18, 2015]